JM Burgerscentrum course "Upscaling techniques and homogenization"


Nov. 14-18, 2011


Room 3, Multi Media Pavilion*
Eindhoven University of Technology
Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ, Eindhoven
The Netherlands
*you can find here a route planner

The course presents basic mathematical techniques for upscaling of models posed in complex domains, or involving highly oscillatory characteristics. Such problems appear as mathematical models for many real-world applications. Typical examples in this sense are the flow, diffusion, reaction and adsorption in porous media (e.g. in the sub-surface).

The series of lectures provide appropriate techniques for a rational derivation of macro-scale models (effective coefficients and equations) starting from the micro scale level. A particular emphasis is on asymptotic and numerical homogenization. In the first instance, these techniques are applied to relevant mathematical models describing diffusion in layered and perforated media; diffusion, convection, reaction and adsorption in media with a complex microstructure; fluid flow through porous media (Darcy law). Next, more complex situations as encountered in micromechanics (elastic composite materials), concrete corrosion, or enhanced oil recovery will be considered.

The lectures are given by
Dr. Nicolas Neuß (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), Ron Peerlings, Dr. Adrian Muntean and Dr. Sorin Pop (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Dr. Tycho van Noorden (University of Erlangen). 

The course is addressed to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working on fluid-mechanics, chemical and mechanical engineering as well as geo-sciences, informatics or mathematics. It requires the standard mathematical background (calculus, differential equations) as taught at undergraduate/MSc level.

Practical issues:

Detailed information on the course content and the exact schedule will be given later. Here you can find a tentative schedule.

The course conditions can be found on the dedicated
JMBC page. To register please visit the registration page.

We strongly encourage the participants to bring their own (multi scale) problems to the attention of all participants. To this aim, poster sessions will be organized. These are open for all participants. The poster sessions are not only ideal ways to learn about the specific interest of the course attendees, but help the organizers to shape the last day of the course. This day is dedicated to selected applications, with the aim of addressing some of the particular questions coming from the participants. Therefore when registering we would like to ask you kindly to send you an email including the title and a short abstract of your poster, and some keywords. We are welcoming your suggestions concerning particular subjects.

The participants are expected to make the necessary hotel arrangements individually (please check, or other standard booking sites). Possible options are:

Crown Inn
Auberge Nassau
Allicht Brasserie

Please also check following (in particular the last one is moderately priced):

Van Neer
De Zwaan

If you need help/assistance, or for urgent matters please contact the organizers, Sorin Pop and Adrian Muntean (,

We look forward to meet you in Eindhoven!